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George Rogers Clark Chapter

Committee Chairs


American Indian Scholarship - Mrs. Robert L. Entler

College of the Ozarks - Ms. Murle Edwards

Colonial and Genealogical Records - Mrs. Donald R. Snyder

The Colonial Courier - Mrs. Norma Fiedler

Flag of the United States of America - Mrs. Robert L. Entler

Golden Acorns - Mrs. Robert D. Williams

Historic Landmarks and Memorials - Mrs. Richard N. Greene

Insignia -

National Awards - Mrs. Richard N. Greene

National Defense - Mrs. Don Chenoweth

National Headquarters - Ms. Murle Edwards

Patriotic Education - Mrs. J. George Wylder, Jr.

Public Relations - Mrs. J. George Wylder, Jr.

Technology - Mrs. Donald R. Snyder

Veterans Service - Mrs. Bob Cole

Special Committees

Auditing - Mrs. George W. Swenson and Miss Sharon Reinhold

By-Laws and Resolutions - Ms. Murle Edwards and Mrs. Donald R. Snyder,

Finance - Mrs. Norma Fiedler, Mrs. Donald R. Snyder, and Marlena Bordson

Membership - All chapter members

Program - Marlena Bordson

Webmistress - Mrs. Donald R. Snyder

Yearbook - Norma Fiedler


Webmistress: Celia G. Snyder